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Support the good work of Happiness House in the Finger Lakes community.

  • Promote and expand long-term services

  • Foster equal opportunity and independence

  • Help us change lives forever

Contact Us


Ontario County


(315) 789-6828

Children's Programs:

(315) 789-6850


Ontario County

Adult Programs:

(585) 394-9510

Children's Programs:

(585) 394-1190

Golisano Autism Center,

Monroe County

Children's Programs:

(585) 685-8300

Toll free:

(866) 408-2550

Adult Services

Happiness House offers clinic services, residential, community, and day programming for adults with both developmental and acquired disabilities, including traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, stroke survivors, Cerebral Palsy, and spinal cord injury. These services help to improve the quality of life for adults with disabilities throughout our service region. We offer services to adults on the TBI, NHTD, and OPWDD waivers.


Outpatient Clinic Services

Clinical therapy services include occupational, physical, and speech therapy, as well as psychology and psychiatry services.

Developmental Disabilities Services

Services to individuals with a developmental disability include supplemental day habilitation in a certified setting, community habilitation in the person’s home or community, day habilitation, respite services, recreation, and service coordination.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Services

Services to individuals that have sustained a traumatic brain injury include independent living skills training, structured day program, home and community-based services, and service coordination.

Transition Apartments

The Transition Apartments are designed to support individuals with traumatic brain injury, disabilities that qualify under the nursing home transition/diversion waiver, or developmental disabilities to transition to independent living. Tenants may be transitioning from their parent’s home, a certified residential setting (IRA), or a nursing home.

Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver Services

Services to individuals that have sustained an injury or have a qualifying disability that places them at risk of nursing home placement include independent living skills training, structured day program, home and community-based services, and service coordination.

Self-Direction Services (SDS)

Services to individuals who want the freedom to choose supports and services that are right for them. With the assistance of a Fiscal Intermediary and Support Broker, individuals have the flexibility to manage their budget and have control over their funding.

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