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There is A Lot to Celebrate at Happiness House!

In honor of Flag Day, Happiness House preschool students’ and staff are having two parades! The morning parade will take place from 10:30-11:00am and the afternoon one will be from 2:30 – 3:00pm on Tuesday, June 14th, 2011 at 5415 County Road 30 in Canandaigua. Classrooms are rotating for the morning and the afternoon parade slot. Each room is making their own sign, flags, and decorations. We have invited parents and families and our Happiness House consumers to be our spectators as well as our very own Tucker to be the grand marshal. Service men and women of our families have also been invited to partake in the parade. Happiness House’s New Friends Preschool program in Canandaigua serves approximately 150 children, ages 3-5 years old each year.

Flag Day Parade Route on Tuesday, June 14th at 10:30am and 2:30pm:

  • Each class to line up in their rooms. At 10:30am Green Room will lead, followed by Yellow, and Orange. At 2:30pm Green Room will lead, followed by Yellow, Blue, and Pink.

  • Go out main bussing door in the back of the building and head towards the pavilion, go around through the playground, walk past pavilion again, and go into Main front door to reception area.

Happiness House’s Pink Room End of the Year Celebration will take place in the gross motor room on Thursday, June 23rd, 2011 from 10:00-10:30am at 5415 County Road 30 in Canandaigua. There will be 14-17 preschool children (3-5 years old) participating in the celebration. Happiness House’s Pink Room is an integrated autism-based classroom, therefore some of the children who are participating do have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum. The children will sing a few songs, be given recognition for moving onto kindergarten or having another year of preschool and watch a class video of pictures from the entire year. This is a special event for families to celebrate their children’s successes.

To request more information on these upcoming events please contact Lynne Colacino at (585) 394-1190.


Happiness House- Finger Lakes Cerebral Palsy Association is a private nonprofit health and human service agency that has been serving communities in the Finger Lakes region in Upstate New York since 1969. Today with sites in Geneva, Canandaigua, Gorham, and Waterloo, Happiness House offers an array of educational program, recreational and family support services for children and adults with and without disabilities who reside in Ontario, Seneca, Wayne, and Yates counties. On average Happiness House serves 1,000 individuals and their families each year.


Cheryl L. Coppola

Development Director (585) 394-9510


administration: (315) 789-6828

731 Pre-emption Road

Geneva, NY 14456

children's programs: (585) 394-1190

adult programs: (585) 394-9510

5415 County Road 30

Canandaigua, NY 14424

(585) 685-8300

50 Science Parkway

Rochester, NY 14620

Joanie Wadhams

© 2025 Finger Lakes Cerebral Palsy Association. All Rights Reserved.

Ann Decker

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